
My 250th post, to celebrate an other poem from my mum, hope you enjoy it.


Misty gold the morning
Starts a bright October day
Gossamer cobwebs cling to trees
where young grey squirrels play

Across the fields the secretive fox
Resplendent in his coat of red
Turns at the sound of my footsteps
Then steals back to his bed

The sun peeps over the horizon
and lights the clear blue sky
In it’s rays I stand and watch
Rabbits scurrying by

Trees turning red and gold
their leaves drift to the ground
Dry and bright and golden
they touch with hardly a sound

I walk through woodland paths
with crisp leaves on the ground
How wonderful to be here
When there’s no one else around


Now playing: Appleton - Don't Worry
via FoxyTunes


Igotmebabe said…
A beautiful poem and a wonderful autumn shot with fantastic colours. One of the things I love about Autumn is the ever changing colours and low light, perfect for taking photographs....if only it would stop raining :). Thank you for stopping by my blog and for your kind words. I have enjoyed looking at your photographs, your work is inspirational.
Lovely lovely lovely poem, lovely lovely lovely shot - I think the colours are so wonderful. Here it's just grey. That's bad but your photo has made my day!

Scarlet xx
Ack! And I've presented you with an award on JJS - come on down and pick it up!
Ranger Faff said…
Beautiful words, beautiful photo.
Suburbia said…
What a tallented pair you are! Congratulations on 250 posts :) Fantastic pic
Marshall Family said…
wow, this is my kinda stuff, look at those colours, amazing =)

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