Snow joke
Well winter is here, we have had snow, not much but enough to mention, and last night a heavy frost, just the morning to take the camera out. The down side to all this is its freezing, the car was solid with frost and took forever to defreeze, the ground was icy and every bit of exposed skin started to go numb, no fun when you are trying to operate a camera. On the plus side I had the countryside to myself and some lovely views to photograph. Once I’ve finished this I will be able to see if I have anything worth showing, I do find that while this blog has got me taking lots more photos, it can also take me away from taking shots as I have to keep writing and sorting out images for it and my time management skills are very poor.
The shot for today is of the last green on our local golf course, no I’ve not posted the wrong shot, its been raining here a lot over the past week and the golf course now has a massive new lake where the last hole and car park used to be.

Now playing: Sade - When Am I Going To Make A Living
via FoxyTunes
The shot for today is of the last green on our local golf course, no I’ve not posted the wrong shot, its been raining here a lot over the past week and the golf course now has a massive new lake where the last hole and car park used to be.
Now playing: Sade - When Am I Going To Make A Living
via FoxyTunes