London and back

Occasionally Caz has to go to London to work and I hate it. I known that if it is only for the day I will not see her any less than if she was working here, but the thought that she is miles away makes it worst. When ever she makes one of these trips it brings back memories of the day of the attacks in London.
Caz had gone down the day before and was staying on one side of London, but the next morning needed to travel to the other side for a meeting. I was as usual having a lie in and had drunk to much the night before so was not at my best when I received a call from Caz. She explained that there was a problem with the tube and that they were not letting them in the station, she then said “I’m alright and just getting on a bus”. After she hung up I switched on the news to find that some of the trains had been bomb and only seconds later they were reporting that a bus had just been blown up. Well, you never think that it will happen to you and in my heart in knew it was not Caz, but I had to call her, just in case. Nothing, no answer, no ringing, nothing! I gave it a ¼ hour and tried again, nothing!! By this point I was getting concerned and had the TV, radio and computer all on and was tracking ever news item, just in case. Over the next hour I rang Caz time and again, I also rang her office, but they had not heard from her and had not been able to get in touch with the girl with her either. Panic now set in, I just felt so hopeless, and there was nothing I could do but wait. After 4 hours, which seemed like a life time, she called, not to tell me she was safe, only to find out what was happening as she had seen very little. It turned out the I had miss heard what she had said, she was not just “getting on” a bus but “getting off”. That was one of the worst mornings of my life, but with a happy ending. The next day we went to the lakes and I have a photo of her sat on a mountain top with her boots off warming her feet in the summer sunshine. God I love that girl.

Now playing: ABBA - S.O.S is this it Trevor?
via FoxyTunes


Eternal Worrier said…
I was working in Covent Garden during the attacks and remember the phones not working for hours. I knew my family would be trying to call and would be worried but I couldnt contact them either. The thing that still sticks in my mind is the walk back across Waterloo Bridge. Because there was no traffic in London all you could hear was the sound of shoes walking on the pavement.
gary..b said…
Just thought I would pop in and say you are getting quite good at this photography lark I like some of your recent shots...well done Brett...oh and its nice to know that you love your wife and you have at long last gone public about it :)
dave said…
i'm glad that your Caz turned out to be safe. it can be quite hectic on the nerves when those type of situations arise.
Suburbia said…
She's so lucky to have your love. So glad the story had a happy ending, I can't imagine what the waiting must have been like for you.
Ranger Faff said…
Yes, Brett! Well done. Obviously far too easy for a man of your extensive music knowledge...
I love you too! and I'm back safe and sound.

Eternal worrier - the thing that stuck in my mind was all the people walking to Euston. I was lucky the person I was visiting had his car and he drove me and my colleague back.

By the way Trevor _ I got it not Brett.
Jean said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jean said…
Sorry - I deleted my previous comment by mistake. This is what I meant to say -

There's no deeper feeling of emotional anxiety than waiting for news about someone you love. And thanks Brett for sharing your amazing photographs, they are very uniquely creative, thoughtful and beautiful.

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