Billy George

I’m feeling a bit better today, mainly down to the fact that the mum from the shoot loves the photos.
As you may have notice I’ve signed up for Blog Action Day, I’m not normally one for this sort of thing but having visited the site I think that it is worth while and its only one post, I’m sure I can make the effort just once, couldn’t you?
While looking at the other sites who have signed up I found this video well worth a look if you’re a fan of the post it note and get bored at work.
The photo today is from the shoot with Billy and is one of my favourites from the set, I had seen the idea on a number of sites but found putting it into practice a lot harder than it looked. To give you a sence of scale, thats his dads little finger.

Now playing: The Beatles - I Want To Hold Your Hand
via FoxyTunes


Joie said…
Those are my favorite type of pics.
Probably because I am a mother myself. I do enjoy all your other pics as well. I personally have always been the subject at the other end of the camera, and you guys never cease to amaze me with your vision for what will be the end result of what you put together.
Keep on!
Anonymous said…
Really good.
Anonymous said…
Superb shot - it says so much!
Lola said…
That is amazing, I love it. Wonderful.
Caty said…
... a little finger , a great hearts..wonderful
Daisy said…
Wow this is really lovely - nice work! Good to see your blog, I look forward to seeing / reading more!
Anonymous said…
It's been a while since my last visit to your blog. I could certainly relate to your comment in one of the entries where said something to the effect that you knew how to look for shots but not set them up.

Today's image is wonderful. Perfect in black and white.
Marshall Family said…
what a precious moment :) its one of those things you kinda take for granted at the times but a piccie like this reminds you of how special those moments really were x
Anonymous said…
I wept.
Suburbia said…
I would have loved a shot like that of mine when they were babies. They grow so quickly so the moment is so precious. No wonder the mum was happy with the results :)

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