Time 2

I find the time to stand and stare.
At kestrels hanging in the air.

At clouds blowing in the breeze.
At smallest flowers and tallest trees.

At cows and sheep put out to graze.
At gloomy fog or golden haze.

At rivers rushing to the sea,
pounding over rocks and scree

The wildest wind the calmest day,
a night when stars are blown away

To gaze into my loved ones eyes,
as blue as perfect summer skies.

On my grave, no matter where,
she had the time to stand and stare.

Jeanette Mckee

Now playing: Eva Cassidy - True Colours
via FoxyTunes


Anonymous said…
Thanks Brett. Jeanne
Michaela said…
*sigh* that's captivating. Question: do you ever respond to the comments on your blog? :P
Bragger said…
I enjoy your photography SO MUCH. Anytime I take a great picture, it is pretty much an accident. I'd like to make it happen on purpose...
Jannie Funster said…
This sky freaking rocks!!
aims said…
Oh Mom!

Beautiful beautiful words.

No wonder your son is so proud of you!
Anonymous said…
Very nice colors. Love the skyscape.
Thanks for commenting on my site!

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