Fun fun fun

It’s always the same for weeks nothing happens and then all of a sudden everything happens at once. I have 2 photo shoots on the horizon, a competition entry just handed in and some new bits to add to my web empire. The shoots first, remember the girl with the corset’s, well she has no new corset’s yet but has a friend that is looking for some images of her on motorbikes and he has access to some Harleys so that shoot is in the planning stage. The second only came up last night and will be for charity, the company I work for is hosting a talent night and I have been approached to photograph it, I’ve got to check the dates and what they want from the shots but it looks very exciting. Also at work I have just entered my photo of Lake Bled into the art awards, it sat on my desk for a couple of hours yesterday and got lots of nice comments so I’m quite hopeful. The Art awards are also for charity and after the voting the pieces are sold off at auction with ½ the money going to the corporate charity. My last piece of news is that I have put some of my photos on Redbubble, this is a web site that lets you post your own pictures and then link to them, so that anyone can view and buy them. The site handles all the printing, framing, shipping and taking the payments, all I have to do is provide the shots and set the amount of profit I want. I will put on some proper links in a few days but if you follow this link you can get a first look at the sales site. Any comments on the site and how it looks would be much appreciated.
Photo today is of rushing water coming over a weir near us, I have been to this spot hundreds of times and never seen this much water and yes I did get the camera wet.

Now playing: Ladysmith Black Mambazo - Rain, Rain Beautifu Rain
via FoxyTunes


Sunny said…
what a photo! it is delivering the murmur of a brook
Anonymous said…
That is such a gorgeous photo!

I have a few pictures of the Rhine falls in Schaffhausen like that, but comparing it to your photo, it just shows me how much I still have to learn.
Lisa B said…
good luck with the contest, that image is definitely a winner! The site for the picture sales looks good and I like the work you have displayed there - I hadn't seen the dam shot before and that is so cool.
And once you have finished arranging scantily clad girls on Harleys ;0), I look forward to hearing about your visit to Cairo!
Monique said…
Thanks for the nice comment, I found your blog on the "blogs of note" page a while back and have been a big fan, glad to see that there are others on this path as well. Your photos are amazing, Keep on inspiring!
Suburbia said…
Your photo is so clear. How fo you do that?!
Suburbia said…
Forgot to say good luck with your competition :)
Ranger Faff said…
That all sounds fantastically positive, Brett. Fingers crossed for everything.

Beautiful shot. I love it.
Michaela said…
WHOA! That's an awesome shot! I feel like I could reach out and touch the water.

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