Full circle

The first proper walking day of the year, and after just 9 miles I’m knackered. Still its good to put on the rucksack after a 3 month break and head out into the hills We have just repeated a walk we did just after I started the blog last year, see this post, and this time Kep kept a healthy distance between him and the sheep. The walk took us right round the Chatsworth estate giving us a 360° view of the house and it grounds and also fantastic views over the Derbyshire countryside.

Now playing: Sugerbabes - Sugerbabes - Obession
via FoxyTunes


aims said…
Don't you just love how birds find the one thing to stand on? Always!
I would be lost here without my birds to feed or photograph. That column of water is terrific, real urgency under the stillness of the bird.
Wow... I thought it was a lovely photo before I had finished scrolling down to the bottom and seen the falling water. It is amazing how photogenic gulls are, despite being a right pain in real life!
Anonymous said…
I totally loved the shot.
Suburbia said…
Gosh, what a brilliant pic, the water looks magical.
Birds rock, as does this photo, Brett!

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