New photography project

I’ve started my new project, well started to start my new project. I’m going to write a basic photography course and publish it on my other blog. The idea has been kicking around on a back burner for some time and this week I have started to put together an introduction and plan the layout. There are already lots of course’s out there and trying to make mine different but still relevant is going to be the hardest task.

So what would you want from an online photography course?

Today’s photo was taken earlier this week, I had decided that it was too cold and horrible out side to go out, so I fired up the wii and made myself a cup of coffee when I picked up a message from Caz on the answer phone, she had had to travel out of Leek for work and reported the light was really good. As her word is law, I put down my coffee and headed out, the result was 3 or 4 picture I would not have got sat at home.

Now playing: Blondie - Cautious Lip
via FoxyTunes


Sunny said…
dim and misty... still beautiful.
Kasia said…
lovely! I think an online photography course is a great idea. Personally I'd be looking for the 'dummies' version with explained in a simply way without all the technical and professional jargon.
Anonymous said…
beautiful photo. I might not be the standard student you should aim for, but what I'd like from a photography course is some basic information on how to use the manual settings (in such a way not all your photos turn out as grey hazes as mine tend to do).
Anonymous said…
Me too! I would like a 'dummies' course that presumes I know nothing from the beginning. I would also like to know what the manual settings on my camera mean and what they do, and how to make the most of them.
Isunia said…
Having a photo course blog is a great idea! I think you will have a lot to teach! I useally get confused about all the options on a system camera. I would love to learn everything from scratch. Instead of ending up with an expensive toy :) Have a great day!
BLOGitse said…

greetings from Cairo, Egypt!
Lola said…
I agree with the others who suggest telling us how to use the settings on our (digital) cameras - the only one I really use is the zoom!

Are you thinking of including photo manipulation as well? I wouldn't mind knowing how to do some of the colour tweaking effects that you put on, but not making it specific to, say, photoshop, might be difficult.
Chairman Bill said…
I suspect that my generation will be the last to have boxes of old photos secreted in the attic for our kids to pore over when we've gone.

It's just too easy to take a digital snap, never have it processed and lose it when your PC crashes and has to be wiped.

Either that, or you kick the bucket and your kids don't know your PC password and throw it out with the junk you've accumulated.

Anonymous said…
Oh, I think an online Photography course would be WONDERFUL.

Digital is SOOOOO overwhelming. I went from one button (the shutter button) to one hundred buttons, with several functions each! Ok, I might be exaggerating a tad here...

I think composition would be a good topic to discuss, a real life approach. The book I have on composition is so lofty, when I finish a section I just want to go back to my point and shoot.
And, maybe a place to critique photos, but that gets tough especially if people confuse critiques and constructive criticism with plain old criticism.

Also, learning to appreciate the quality of light might be a good topic, or at least how to make the most of the light available.

Maybe some technical stuff on types of lenses, and that all too confusing flash: bouncing flash, external flash, how and when to use flash...etc.

Yikes, that is a LOT.

Whatever you do, I am sure it will be fantastic.
Anonymous said…
That photo is awesome.

I only have a digital camera and would like to know what settings on the camera are best to use for different places and light. The settings kind of tell me, but I was taking pictures at a birthday party indoors and the best setting I found was one for a backlight -- and there was no backlight!! Also tips on photographing different subjects.
The one question I get emailed about the most is"how do I use the manual settings" I know big question,no one answer. I still say you can only teach so much, have the best camera but if you don't have innate ability it won't be for you. A smashing idea. online course. I'm thinking of doing consultancy work. My email is overflowing. You'd have my following straight on there- I'd make sure of it.

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