Great start

What a great Christmas and New Year I have had, and it mostly went to plan! First off happy New Year to everyone, hope this year brings you all you need and want. For me it’s gotten off to a great start as I spent it in the company of great friends and in a very pretty part of the world, hence the very short posts over the last few day. A big thank you to all the people involved Caz, Kep and I had a really great time and would not have missed it for the world. Now comes the hard part of cleaning the house, taking down the tree and getting ready for work, still only 6 weeks to my birthday and the end of my commitment to the blog, not that I will close it down but I will change the fact of having to post every day, the pressure of doing that has been immense over the past year. I am looking at a new project that will involve my other blog, but more on that later. Have you made any resolution for the New Year? I have not as I think that they are too easily broken, I aim to complete a set of goals during the year and am working on the list over the next few days.
Photo is from our short break this week, taken on a cold gray day, but great for moody shots.

Now playing: Fleetwood Mac - You Make Loving Fun
via FoxyTunes


Suburbia said…
I agree about resolutions, I never make them, though I have a lot in mind to achieve this year.

Glad you had a good holiday.

Only another 6 weeks! Oh no!!
Marshall Family said…
I have a few resolutions, wether I stick to them or not is something else. Happy to hear you have had a good new year!

love the photo too!
My resolution for the new year is to learn to say 'Pardon?" instead of the very tacky and undignified "What?!"
Anonymous said…

You've only met me once and probably won't remember me. But I just wanted to say that I view your brilliant photos and blog on a regular basis and I really really love your photography. Keep it up.

Happy New Year.

Happy New Year Brett...

First day back at work today. How awful is that?

No resolutions here - I'm not good at sticking to them and, besides, how do you improve on perfection? ha ha

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