Weekends can be murder, well this one was, we held a murder mystery party on Saturday night, 6 guests, Caz and me, sat down to dinner in a collection of strange costumes, try to look like we were in a 1900s Paris hotel. I wore a dinner jacket and bow tie and was by far the smartest (and hottest) person there, but was well beaten in the costume stakes by most of them. All of this taking place on the warmest night of the year so far. The whole night was great fun and I would recommend having ago if you can find enough people willing to get into the sprit of things. That’s all for today, but tomorrow I will give you an insight in to the effects that being blog of note have had on my little piece of the internet. The picture is of Sandra and Caz in full costume and character, I’ve given the image (or tried to) a turn of the last century feel, I hope.
Now playing: Claude Debussy - Claire De Lune
via FoxyTunes
Sank you ver much for a great veekend, Herr Brett!!
Terrific fun and cant wait for the next one.
Love the pic (as usual) and many many congrats on what you're achieving here. Keep it up.
Thanks for the inspiration
Nice pic, can't wait to hear more news.
if this seriously..damn your stufff.
i'll totally put a lot of respect!
this is the first time I visit your blog, I noticed it in blogs of note and I really like your photos because I like photographing soooo much and I just want to know what Camera do you use?
please I have some questions that I'd be glad if you answered them...can you send me an email so I can know your email address.
Great night Brett & Caz - Merci!
Anyhow... they are a blast... and I think the only reason I got "Best Performance" was because I was dressed in drag, with a killer wig and kept saying "You're fired!" in a horrible accent.
Thanks for prompting me!
As for your music; loking at your blogs, i must say you have an excellent taste.
This may be a bit weird but every time I hear claire de lune, i think of watching the '70's group Styx who used it in a prelude to a song they did called Ballerina. Funny how just a few notes on a piano can send you back to a happy place - even if it's not entirely related to the original music!!