Wedding daze
This is the first of a set of images of places that mean something to me, and in taking them I have had to revisit those places and also go back to the time that they are connected with. It is very self indulgent, but it’s my blog and I can do almost what I want. So to start, this image is the most worked on I’ve posted and that reflex how much I wanted it here. This is the church I got married in and is here because I have so many special places that me and Caz have shared that to pick one was impossible, so this is a symbol for all of those. I love history and when visiting places I try to imagine what it was like in the past, it’s the same with these places as I visited each one it was like watching a film of the past rolling before my eyes, I could see Caz and me standing on those steps, in the later shots I could fill the spaces with people now long gone and voices now long silent, sometimes this blog takes me places I’d forgotten. Great isn’t it. ---------------- Now playing: Bi...