
Right short post as we have guest’s, after yesterdays post I’ll tag (drum roll) Aim’s and Daisy, with the Book worm award, the way it works is: you open the closest book on page 46 and write out the 5th sentence on the page (and the following 2-5 sentences). Why these two, well I known they are both well read and I think they are from quite different back ground so the books could be very interesting.
Picture from the trip into the peak district earlier this week.

Now playing: Duran Duran - Save A Prayer
via FoxyTunes


Martin Rye said…
Like the contrast of dark sky and the landscape. Like the Peak District lots any time.
aims said…
Oh! I'm going to answer my tag here this morning Brett!

Mamo helps with the caption: "DAN CAUGHT THE CHILD IN HIS ARMS."
If Dan hadn't reached out, would the girl keep sinking through the waves? Would she fight her way back to the surface?

From Deafening by Frances Itani
(a book about being a young girl who is deaf)
Michaela said…
Wow!!! That's an amazing shot. I love how dark and misty the sky is, yet everything else is bright.
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