A woman president
So when will America take the next big step and elect a woman president? I’m just old enough to remember when we (well the adults) voted in Maggie, the shock and horror of it. For most of her time in office she was hated, or so it seemed in the press, but when the country need a strong leader she fitted the bill perfectly. In fact the comment at the time was that she had more balls than any man in her cabinet. When you think about a country is more like a household than a business, mostly because in a company there are standards of behaviour, people while not being nice to one another are mostly civil, while in a family there is no code of conduct and anything goes. Most families I know are run (and run well) by women, mostly without their husbands knowing this is the case (for my male friends reading this, not yours obviously). Give a woman a country and there’s no knowing what she might achieve.
Today’s photo is from the show on Saturday, I call it “The wait”, I wanted to use this for the blog from the moment I took it but felt I needed to ask permission first, which I now have. It was taken just before the show started, the stars were gathered in the dressing room and were all very tense, none more so than the first act, while the other chatted and joked she sat a bit apart and had a quiet moment, more focused on what was about to happen than the room and people about her. She was so stressed out just before she set foot on the stage, but delivered a fantastic performance that really did set the standard for the rest.

Now playing: The Smiths - Girl Afraid
via FoxyTunes
Today’s photo is from the show on Saturday, I call it “The wait”, I wanted to use this for the blog from the moment I took it but felt I needed to ask permission first, which I now have. It was taken just before the show started, the stars were gathered in the dressing room and were all very tense, none more so than the first act, while the other chatted and joked she sat a bit apart and had a quiet moment, more focused on what was about to happen than the room and people about her. She was so stressed out just before she set foot on the stage, but delivered a fantastic performance that really did set the standard for the rest.

Now playing: The Smiths - Girl Afraid
via FoxyTunes
I really love this picture, she looks fantastic- and it's so evocative of those nerves before the show...