Look mum a black man
The winner is… Me! Yes I’ve won the art award at work, each year the company hold’s an art contest and this year I have won the photography section, the 3rd year out of 5. The prints then get sold off with a portion given to the company charity, so a little fame but no fortune this time.
He’s done it… The first black formula 1 world champion, congratulations Lewis, but why did you leave it to the last seconds, I was on the edge of my seat, the world is now your oyster so a lot of fame and fortune for you.
Oh and in America they have elected a politician to the white house, well what’s all the fuss about, he’s black and because of that it suppose to make a difference? For years the equal rights people have been try to get us to look past colour, saying were all the same under the skin and now the very same people are saying change is coming because they have elected a black man. Is it just me or is it fundamentally wrong to point out he is black, we are what we do, I don’t see myself as a balding, over weight, middle aged man (well only in the morning after a few to many the night before, when interestingly I thought I looked about 20 years old and stick thin). No I think of myself as a photographer and a husband. So looking at Mr O what do I see, well he’s young, successful and with a gift for communication, not a bad start and if he lives up to the hype a positive step for the USA. For him I see more fame than one person should be asked to handle and probably a fortune as well.

Now playing: Foo Fighters - All My Life
via FoxyTunes
He’s done it… The first black formula 1 world champion, congratulations Lewis, but why did you leave it to the last seconds, I was on the edge of my seat, the world is now your oyster so a lot of fame and fortune for you.
Oh and in America they have elected a politician to the white house, well what’s all the fuss about, he’s black and because of that it suppose to make a difference? For years the equal rights people have been try to get us to look past colour, saying were all the same under the skin and now the very same people are saying change is coming because they have elected a black man. Is it just me or is it fundamentally wrong to point out he is black, we are what we do, I don’t see myself as a balding, over weight, middle aged man (well only in the morning after a few to many the night before, when interestingly I thought I looked about 20 years old and stick thin). No I think of myself as a photographer and a husband. So looking at Mr O what do I see, well he’s young, successful and with a gift for communication, not a bad start and if he lives up to the hype a positive step for the USA. For him I see more fame than one person should be asked to handle and probably a fortune as well.

Now playing: Foo Fighters - All My Life
via FoxyTunes
I'm so with you on the colour thing.
Is it me or does it take ages to load your page these days?
This country has very old and very deep wounds in regards to color. As a Texan, I am ashamed to admit that I still hear and see blatant racism around me quite frequently. That we can now elect a black man with a large majority shows that things are improving.
It would be nice to ignore race, but I just don't think that's possible quite yet. At least not in this country.
I'm with you totally on the black thing. I know that eventually they will quit saying that. And they will just start saying Mr. President. Not - Mr. 'First African/American' President.
Who cares what colour he is?
I think the world is going to be a better place with him running the show over there. I was a very happy gal when I learned of his win.
I really don't agree with you on the issue whether it matters or not that Obama is black, but I hope I'll have some time tonight to blog about that. Main thing is that black people have suffered from injustice, slavery, racism and inequality for such an incredibly long time that Obama being elected to become the next president really is the culmination of the civil rights movement and Martin Luther King's 'dream', and the fact that he is an African-American is all important in that respect. But again, hopefully I'll find some time to blog about this topic later today. :)
P.S. Sweet pic!
However, with regards to Obama, it is a big deal when you consider that he was treated different because of the colour of his skin (you only need to look at some of the ridiculous rhetoric that was spewed during the campaign, or the fact that a number of people flat out said they would not vote for a Black man). He was the most qualified person for the job, either way, but it is even more impressive when you consider the odds he was up against.
I voted for Senator McCain because of his record and experience. I felt Senator Obama didn't have enough experience. The Republicans here in the U. S. need reforming and to get their act together. I hope Senator Obama does very well and this man is obviously what our country needs right now. We are praying for him. With regard to Sarah Palin - we love her. She related and her family was beautiful. Maybe she will be the First Lady President Brett mentions in his next blog.
Oh, and Brett, your photos are marvelous and with so much depth and feeling. You are blessed.
Obama most inportantly to me isn't Bush or a Repbulican, or is isn't Bush... You get the gist. Politcally in America it is an act of contrition to have a Black Man in the white house, the bonus is he's an intelligent decent human being. It shows how far they have come from segregation.
(p.s. your page takes ages to load here too, could be our "polar" technology though)