polydactyly (paw-lee-dak-till-lee)

Normal cats have four toes and one dewclaw on each front paw and four toes on each hind paw. Polydactyl cats may have as many as seven digits on front and/or hind paws, and various combinations of anywhere from four to seven are common, although each of the front and rear paws are typically the same. Polydactyly is most commonly found on the front paws only, as in the case of Jr.
Jr for want of a better word is one of my nephews, and Saturday night was the first time I remembered to take a camera when we went visiting, they’ve had him since March. Now by up bringing I’m a cat person, we always had cats at home as a kid, but by choice I am now a dog person, Caz loves dogs (she’s not very keen on cats at all) a real case of love me love my dog (or nearly all dogs, forsaking all cats, totally). Having said that I still have a soft spot for cats and spent a lot of Saturday night rolling around on the floor getting my leg scratched and photographing the cats (they have 3).
For all you dog lovers, a picture of Kep tomorrow, as today is his 12 birthday, so at some point I will grab a shot of him, probably after we return from the vets, if he is still speaking to me, that is.
I had a technical question about the lens used for the close up photos, it’s a Tamron 90mm macro lens, although I like to try to take photos with the minimum of kit, you cannot beat a good macro lens and at 90mm it makes a good portrait lens as well. The shots were taken using one of my studio flashes, the pencil shot was all hand held, pencils in one hand camera in the other.

Now playing: Guns 'n' Roses - Cats in the cradle and the silver spoon
via FoxyTunes


Sunny said…
what a scary cat :)
Anonymous said…
Great picture of my grandson Brett.
And happy birthday to my other grandson tomorrow. hope all goes well at the vets. Jeanne xx
aims said…
This made me smile! Thanks Brett!
Martin Rye said…
Very clever shot that. A smile shot indeed.
Lisa B said…
he looks like he's having fun, those toys with the feathers have to be an all time favourite. Hope Kep gets on well tomorrow and that his mom and dad get him a really good prezzie!
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday Kep!
My goodness-- what a cutie! Makes me long for a pets allowed place..
I find a good portrait lens is excellent hand held for times when the tripod is at home. I toying with a sigma macro. Never a fan before but I've seen some quality images taken with them. This is a barmy shot.

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