Welcome, one and all

I’m always fascinated so see where my visitors come from when they visit the blog, not just where they live but also which site they came from, or what search term they used. Now “Blog of note” still produces a number of visits every day from all over the world, as does the word “Dogging” for some reason, lots of people arrive from sits that list me in their blog role and I’m sure they then go on to sites I list. Then you get the odd visitors that turn up from the strangest places, like the “Second Life enclave of Winterfell” where someone has posted a link to the site so that people can see a particular photo, or even from my Facebook page. Regardless of where you come from or how you got here you are very welcome, I hope you like what I do, it’s a time consuming task but I think the result is worth it. Leave a comment even if it’s just to say hi, its nice to put a name to all the anonymous figures.
Photo today is of the tree I have been shooting every couple of months; sad to see the leaves have nearly all gone.

Now playing: Pat Benatar - We Belong
via FoxyTunes


Bragger said…
Yours is one of the first blogs I go to every day. I enjoy your photography so much and am so jealous. I don't remember how I happened upon your blog. I am very interested in photography but pretty clueless about how to make it happen. Every now and I then I take an incredible shot, but it's usually an accident.
Kendie said…
Hello, I have been enjoying your blog since it showed up on blogs of note. As an amateur photographer (emphasis on amateur) I have been thoroughly enjoying your photography.
Beautiful, perfect tree. Even in winter with its bare branches it will be beautiful, albeit more poetic.
Shelley said…
Nothing makes me as homesick as the trees; the leaves on the ground, the seasons reflected by the foliage. I have enjoyed your tree series.
aims said…
That is such a beautiful tree Brett. And - another beautiful photo.

Thank you for taking the time to blog. You have touched my heart so many times with your photos and your words. Your gift needs to be shared no matter where or how people find you.
Joie said…
I found you on "Blogs of Note" and it is one of the very few that I found on there that I enjoy. I love looking at your well crafted photos.
I have always been the subject on the other end of the lens. Now I am experimenting as an amateur photographer- kids will bring that out in ya. Anyway, I find the photographer end of the lens much more difficult than the other end of the lens that I have spent many years at. :)
Suburbia said…
I like to come here every day because there is always something beautiful or inspiring to see.
The tree still looks wonerful naked!

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