Hi Honi i'm home

I’m back, again! As some of you may have noticed I’ve been rather quite this week apart from the posts, this is because I’ve been away on holiday and not wanting to advertise the fact the house was empty I have pre-done the posts and now I’m back and have missed blogging like you would not believe. So before I unpack and start to dry my walking kit, a photo from last week holiday and a taster of things to come.

This week you will meet kitty, learn about “moments”, “Lambushes”, “mountain madness”, Sneck lifter and rain, and hopefully see some good photos (as I have not yet seen them my self, that’s my next job).

Today’s photo shows Caz and Trevor on top of Eagle crag.

Now playing: Kylie Minogue - Put Yourself In My Place
via FoxyTunes


Karma said…
hello! welcome back!
Suburbia said…
Welcome home. Looks like you had a great time dispite the weather?
Anonymous said…
Brilliant pic Brett, Glad to know your home safe and didn't fall off a mountain. Enjoyed all the memories last week.
What's a holiday? W are confined to Barracks this year, re agary's BBC workload. Love the pic. It's a classic and would also make a marvellous monochrome with all the misty areas.
Anonymous said…
That is a stunning photo with a breath taking view!!!

Glad you are back and I see you made it safely.

Looking forward to hearing all about your expedition, and see more gorgeous pictures!!!

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