Old home

This photo takes in a lot, first of all note how the factory (now a block of flats) looms over the tiny terrace houses, then look at the gap between the houses and the other mill behind them. At the back of the row of terrace houses you will see the top of a brick extension; this marks the back of my home for the first 14 or so years of my life. I will say that it was not as grim as it looks; at least not back then, but the view out of the back windows has not changed. The factory with the Gothic looking tower was where I started my first full time job, not very far to roll out of bed. In front of the factory were 2 lamp post that were just far enough apart to use as goal post and in the days before we became over-run with cars all the kids used to play football here. This was my world, but walking round it now I feel like I’m visiting from out of space.

For my mum, she played this album to death in that house.
Now playing: Dr. Hook - A Little Bit More
via FoxyTunes


Kris McCracken said…
A lovely image. What did the factory produce?
Lisa B said…
Very evocative, even more so when as the observer, I observe with Dr Hook playing in my head :).
Marshall Family said…
wow lovely photo :) a good old trip down memory lane is never a bad thing :)
aims said…
I'm waiting with Kris here - what was the factory for?

Dr. Hook....what memories Brett!

And hey! Congrats on that Blog of the day award! Wow!!
Anonymous said…
Thank for that Brett. Happy memories of a simpler less complicated life. Did I drive you mad with Dr. Hook still love that track, reminds me of your Dad.
Ah, Dr. Hook! I love your mom! Great shot and congrats on your award.
Suburbia said…
More awards, phew!! Congratulations.
There's so much in this story and the pic that goes with it, great story.
Timeless image. It harks back to an era long gone, but will alwyas be in the present due to the image captured. I am doing a Ramsey skylines project and it's been interesting to see the reation to those who remember the older buidings.

Dr Hook. Oh yes a mother thing and that has aged both of us!
Anonymous said…
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