How do you know it's full?

Disaster, due to an unforeseen occurrence (the battery running out ½ way though taking a picture, after only 20 mins warning) I lost all the shots I’d taken over the last hour. But this has happened to me before, so it was straight out of the camera for the card (do not be tempted to try and use it in the camera as if you get it to work it may write over your shots) and back home to run the photo recovery software. The software I used, which recovered all the shots, is PhotoRec, which is a free down load and a must if you used a digital camera. Until it happens you really do not appreciate how fragile your kit is.

So today’s rescued shot is of a Mushroom (or Toadstool, I don’t eat them so I have never learn the difference) taken in a local wood.

Now playing: The Ting Tings - Fruit Machine
via FoxyTunes


Aww, I have to admit that's happened to me on holiday before - and nearly again in Liverpool this year (so I was lucky I had any shots to show anyone!)

Courage, mon brave!

Scarlet xx
Anonymous said…
Whew, thank goodness you were able to rescue it. Great shot.
Anonymous said…
Suburbia said…
Glad you could recover your shots.
I have an award for you at my place :)

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